Make 3 interest-free payments with Affirm

Next time you're shopping with us, there's an easier way. With Affirm, you can split your purchases into 3 payments with zero interest and zero fees.

  • Fill your cart

    When you're done shopping, select Affirm at checkout.

  • Complete your purchase

    Enter a few pieces of info for a real-time decision.

  • Pay over time

    Make 3 monthly payments at or in the Affirm app.

  • New to Affirm

    Set up an account now. All you need is:

    • A U.S. credit or debit card
    • To be over 18 years of age
    • A U.S. resident address
    SIGN UP 
  • Log in to your Affirm account

    After your order is processed, you can log in to your Affirm account to view your order, make payments and manage account details.



Can I pay off my purchase early?

Yes! There's no penalty for paying early.

You can make or schedule payments at or in the Affirm app for iOS or Android. Affirm will send you email and text reminders before payments are due.

No, checking your eligibility won't affect your credit score.

My Twisted Wrist does not accept returns as all sales are final because of the handmade customization of each product.

Yes, you'll need a mobile phone number from the U.S. or U.S. territories. This helps Affirm verify it's really you who is creating your account and signing in.

You can visit their website at